About Recetín

Recetín is a blog where you will find a lot of original recipes for children and those not so young, cooking tricks and information about everything related to the world of cooking.

If you want to be aware of everything that happens in the world of cooking subscribe to our publications with your email, where you will instantly receive all the recipes, cooking tricks and the most interesting news.

What do we talk about in Recetín?

En Recetín You will find recipes for first, second, starters, desserts; recipes from all over the world and tricks for the little ones to learn to eat everything.

The topics we talk about in Recetín You can find them on the sections page of the website.

Readers matter to us ... a lot

Recetín, in addition to being a blog where you can read and learn about cooking recipes, it also aims to be a portal to help our readers, a place to answer questions and help you when creating menus for the little ones, learn tricks to have balanced diet and having fun in the kitchen. You can comment on the publications, send us news, suggestions, doubts, curiosities or recipes through our Contact Form.

All recipes available in Recetin have been created by our writing team. All are chefs with many years of experience preparing dishes specially designed for children, so the guarantee is total for parents.

How to advertise your company or product on Recetín?

If your company or product is directly related to the world of cooking, you can contact us through our Contact Form and we will respond as soon as possible with an advertising proposal that is tailored to what you need.


If you want to contact Recetín you can do it through our Contact Form.