Sautéed mushrooms and pâté sauce with Iberian ham
This dish is a great idea to start a party menu. It is a simple recipe where you just have to...
This dish is a great idea to start a party menu. It is a simple recipe where you just have to...
With this white bean and artichoke hummus you can prepare a delicious appetizer for the whole family. To the kids...
When children refuse to eat fish, it is best to prepare more fun recipes for them. In this case...
Have you tried vegetable pates? They are those that are made without using ingredients of animal origin such as the recipe...
If you like mixed sandwiches or bikinis, you will love this ham and cheese pâté. Is very...
Pâtés are a delicious way to make snacks different, and today we are going to prepare a pâté...
Today we have a great snack on the beach! Homemade ham pâté sandwiches, enriched with the flavor of bacon...
There are few ingredients and the time it takes to make the pâté. And there is much we can do...