Spaghetti with mussels and prawns
The recipe for spaghetti with mussels and shrimp that I share with you today came about after Fin's binges...
The recipe for spaghetti with mussels and shrimp that I share with you today came about after Fin's binges...
Pasta combines perfectly with practically all the ingredients we can imagine, so at home we go...
They love them. They are soft and have corn and shrimp so they are irresistible for the little ones. Well, actually...
Today we are going to give a special touch to the typical white rice, adding a touch of...
Chow mein is a recipe whose base is noodles or fried Chinese noodles and...
This fish cake is one of the most famous tapas at the Sevillian bar “El patio de San Eloy”. Is...
This crepe recipe has no mystery. We achieve the black color of the dough in a very...
These no-fried spring rolls, therefore healthier, are wrapped in a rice wafer. The filling, which...
This cold couscous is very suitable for summer. As if it were a salpicón, we will combine the semolina...
We merge two recipes into one. The typical rice salad to which we add tuna, egg or corn is...
We already learned how to prepare authentic flamenquines, a meat recipe that is always successful among children. In this recipe we are going...